Have you ever thought about the potential of your website when powered by a robust Digital Marketing campaign? Imagine the impact of having effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media advertising. Picture a continuous stream of potential customers and visitors flowing into your site—people who are engaging with your content, reaching out through your contact forms, or making purchases. With the right plan and a visually appealing website, we can turn what might seem unattainable into a highly achievable reality.

Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing involves using various online channels like Google search, email, social media, and websites to enhance your online presence. The main aim is to connect with your intended audience and boost sales through these digital routes. The great thing about Digital Marketing is that consumers can access this content whenever they want. It gives you many ways to promote your brand and customize your efforts to reach the right people.

As a leading name in Internet Digital Marketing, PIXEL PULSE can help make your aspirations come true. We’ve successfully transformed numerous businesses over the past 5+ years and are excited to do the same for you. Our skilled Digital Marketing experts can guide you in creating a tailored plan that suits your needs. By focusing on building a strong organic ranking, local online listings, and a digital marketing strategy, we can elevate your business to the top positions in all three major sections of search engines. Soon after, you’ll notice a significant increase in calls, eCommerce sales, and potential leads.


Crafting a Digital Marketing strategy isn’t a one-size-fits-all process, but there are essential factors to keep in mind. We’ll sit down with you to understand your main goals, your most popular products or services, and create a timeline of realistic milestones. While there are many marketing possibilities, let’s focus on some of the main services we provide:




Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Digital Marketing

Certainly, one of the most sought-after strategies we provide is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Digital Marketing. It’s not just a way to boost leads and calls but also offers quick results. With PPC, your ads can become visible within minutes of submission, unlike organic optimization which can take weeks to months for outcomes. At PIXEL PULSE, we collaborate with your business to determine a suitable budget, then set up digital ads on the platforms where you want to advertise. Initially, we invest time in researching optimal keywords, crafting compelling ad content, analyzing competitors, fine-tuning the ads, and making the most of the data we gather to ensure our PPC campaign is highly efficient.

Connect with our Digital Marketing company today and discover how we can immediately start channeling new leads, sales, and calls into your business.

Pixel Marketing / Remarketing

One of the most popular and effective services our clients are requesting is Pixel Marketing, also known as Remarketing or Retargeting. Pixel Marketing stands out as a top-notch method in the world of Internet Digital Marketing. It takes the core concept of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) marketing and tailors it in a highly precise manner. Here’s how it works: We install a special tracking code on your website, which we call a “pixel.” This pixel keeps tabs on every visitor who comes to your site. Then, over a specific period, like 15 or 30 days, we can set up ads that align with the visitor’s interests.

This strategy is like having a memorable conversation with your potential customers. Imagine someone browsing your accounting services online. After they leave your website, our magic pixel keeps working. The next time they’re scrolling through Facebook, Googling something, reading the local news, or shopping online, guess what? Your ad

appears right in front of them, catching their attention. It’s almost as if your business is saying, “Hey, remember us? We’re here to help with your accounting needs.” This consistent visibility helps etch your brand, product, or service into their memory.

What’s really cool about this approach is that it’s not nearly as pricey as the scattergun approach of placing ads all over the internet, hoping they’ll catch the right eyes. With Pixel Marketing, your ads only appear to people who’ve shown interest in your offerings. It’s like having a virtual spotlight follow potential customers around, reminding them of what you have to offer.

Ready to take your marketing game up a notch? Get in touch with us today, and we’ll show you how to set up a smart remarketing campaign. This campaign will do wonders in turning your website visitors into satisfied paying customers!

Social Media Marketing

If your business is like many others, you might have set up several social media accounts, but they’re not very active. This is a common issue, and at PIXEL PULSE, we can help. We’ll turn those stagnant accounts around and create some excitement. Our Social Media Marketing packages will grow your followers and boost engagement. This engagement will build brand awareness and drive more business to your website or physical store. Let’s work together to create a tailored plan for your business.

Our Price Model

That Suits Everyone!

To provide your business with customized and unique website development services at reasonable prices


Great starter for new businesses


  • 3 Weekly Postings
  • Promotional Postings
  • Offer Postings
  • Animated Gif Postings
  • Updated Cover Photo
  • Dedicated Social Media Expert
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Perfect for growing businesses


  • 5 Weekly Postings
  • Promotional Postings
  • Offer Postings
  • Animated Gif Postings
  • Updated Cover Photo
  • Dedicated Social Media Expert
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Ideal for established enterprises


  • 10 Weekly Postings
  • Promotional Postings
  • Offer Postings
  • Animated Gif Postings
  • Updated Cover Photo
  • Dedicated Social Media Expert
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Would you like to start a project with us?

Let’s bring your vision to life! Our experienced team is eager to join forces and turn your ideas into reality. From conceptualization to execution, we’re here to craft a remarkable project that aligns with your goals and exceeds expectations. Together, we’ll create something extraordinary that leaves a lasting impact. Reach out today and let’s embark on this exciting journey!

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